Monday, 28 July 2014

Just Remember..


You are a truly unique person: you can tell this simply by taking a moment or two to look at your thumb print. Do that now – go on, humor me – take a look at your thumb print and know this: you are the only person who has ever lived who has had that thumb print! Isn‟t that truly amazing? In fact, it is even more amazing than that because, as it turns out, you are the only person who will ever have that thumb print.

So you already know, in your heart that you are unique. But also know that this uniqueness extends to your purpose in life: you are called to achieve something significant with your life! Do not make the mistake of believing that life holds no purpose for you. Remember that you are here only once. This is your life - right now! So make sure you live the life you were born to live.

Imran Shah 

Friday, 25 July 2014

Little that I understood about life

In three words I can sum up everything that I learned about life, "It goes on." When the going gets tough, make yourself realize that no matter what your problem is, someone is and always will be fighting a harder battle. 

Tears don't help problems and whining won't make things better. Have faith but understand that faith makes things possible, not easier. Have hope but understand without doing anything nothing gets done.

Be there when people need you because in order to have friends you must first be one. Make the impossible, possible. Never give up! You only fail when you fail to try. Keep an open mind; you never know what you may learn.

Never compromise your standards for anyone, do it for you. Remember that laughter makes the world go round.

Beware of the person who has nothing to lose, see through the problem to find the solution. Don't make promises that you can't keep. If you fail to keep a promise that you made a long time ago, do everything to keep it or make it up with something and until then keep apologizing. Keep in mind, those who gossip to you will gossip about you. Say only what you mean, and don't believe everything that you hear because some day the story will be about you.

Every day is a gift, even if it sucks. Count your blessings, not your troubles. Never waste an opportunity to tell someone that you love them because you never know what tomorrow has in store for you. Give people a second chance, because no one is perfect. Love all that you can, give all that you have, smile away your days, and dream away your nights. 

Life, what a wonderful thing! If you keep it light you will have lots of light in it...

Imran Shah :-)

Good VS Evil

You are good when you love yourself and your brothers. Yet you are not evil when you feel separated. God needs the confused for the aware to teach what they know, the sick for the healers to heal those who need them, the tormentors for the meek to grow up as heroes, the rain for the rainbow to lift up your heart.

You are good when you offer your true gifts to the world and help everyone grow. Yet you are not evil when you are trying to get rich all alone. When you are giving you are the fruit of the world, when you are taking you are the root of the world. To the fruit giving is its need, to the root taking is its need, to the tree giving and taking are both needs, for without taking it cannot give. The fruit cannot say “be like me unselfish and giving” for without the roots the fruit can never grow.

You are good when you are conscious of your words. Yet you are not evil when you speak without thinking. God speaks through each of us and every word you say serves a purpose somewhere in space and time. For the words that are cruel does not make you evil, they are only memories action you will carry within you. It is your own duty to bring about balance, for every word of cruelty there will be ten words of compassion. God speaks through each of us, yet we choose from infinite possibilities.

You are good when you seek to become the best. Yet you are not evil when you are lazy and unmotivated.

You are good when you feel compassion for your brothers. Yet you are not evil when you are blinded by your ego. Remember a ship lost in the ocean can survive many months without sinking to the bottom - it is simply lost at the moment. Awakening happens at the blink of an eye.

You are good when you speak of love. Yet you are not evil when you speak of hate. It is by rejecting something completely that you are able to accept it wholeheartedly. It is by carrying the heavy stones of hatred you are able to appreciate the freedom of forgiveness.

You are good because you were born that way. You cannot be evil because in a world that is controlled by God, there cannot be any evil. Darkness is not energy - it is simply void waiting to be filled with light. Fear is not real - it is simply a confusion of space and time.

You are good because you are. You are good because you are divine!

By Imran Shah